PCS - Grade TK-4
at the Tracy Learning Center

A Tuition-free Public Charter School - Tracy, CA

Parents and guardians:

Parental involvement is not a requirement for acceptance in or continued enrollment at the charter school.


Primary Charter School is a five-(six, if attending TK)-year program that provides four organizational classroom models: Transitional Kindergarten, Initial Phase (kindergarten), Phase One (grades 1 and 2), and Phase Two (grades 3 and 4). The instructional program focuses on a multiage setting for Phases One and Two. Kindergarten is not multiage due to the wide variety of life experiences these students have when entering school. Because of the multiage approach, the instructional program is designed with a two-year curriculum cycle in each phase. The instructional program also focuses on developing school-wide outcomes in each of the grades. All students are expected to exit Primary Charter School demonstrating the following characteristics: Polite Citizenship Productive Workers Proud Individuals Positive Cooperators.

Class Calendar and Daily Schedule

Daily schedule as well as Google  Classroom Codes

- Daily  Schedule

- School Calendar